According to Bill Bryson in his book " A Short History of Nearly Everything", biologically habitable planets that exist in another galaxy might have devised a powerful telescope enough to see our world 200 years ago. Since we are approximately 200 light years away from them, they might see us as people still battling Napoleon in the French Revolution. Or, in the Philippine setting, they might view the rage-filled and intoxicated guerilla men fighting the studded galleons of the Spaniards. The period of an industrialized world at war, as many would say.
This might serve as a true manifestation of Einstein's theory of relativity, but many humanists might believe that this conception of moving time and space can lead to certain doubts about not including this discovery in the process of retracing history. Speaking of history, since it is conceptualized out of human standards, the margin of error in using time as a quantifiable gauge in measuring a period scale may increase as the number of discoveries of the alternate universe increases since the otherworldly concept of time reverses the movement of "human history".
This might lead to another set of histories yet to be created in the new time standards using the new terrestrial plane as its reference point. This would make the term "pockets of time" true in a more universal way.
Anyway, this is just a little reflection on the Kepler mission. Comments are welcome for further discussion.